
在线博彩麦克奈尔学者 , 艾丽卡麦克法兰 is deeply devoted to improving the health 和 holistic wellbeing of others. Her interest in wellness sparked during high school where she job-shadowed nurses at a local hospital 和 gained experience in clinical teaching during her senior year. 今天, she studies public health with a concentration in health promotion 和 behavioral science in the College for Health, 社区与政策.



休伊特家庭奖学金 Sue Jockusch捐赠奖学金 收件人, 圣扎迦利Nepote, has been interested in learning since childhood. His gr和mother immigrated to the United States from Mexico in the 1950's 和 she always placed a strong emphasis education. With an appreciation for his own heritage, he developed an interest in other cultures 和 is now pursuing his degree in Global Affairs from the College of Liberal 和 Fine Arts.



犹他大学运动学专业; 肯德尔克洛萨, was born 和 raised in San Antonio by an incredibly athletic family. Her mother retired from a 30-year career teaching dance 和 her father serves 随着 head football coach at Robert E. 李高中. 从体操和舞蹈, 到排球和篮球, Kloza has been involved in sports from the moment she took her first steps. 今天, she is one of the top soccer players at 在线博彩 和 a competitive Valero Alamo Bowl Community Partners Scholarship 收件人.



生物医学工程专业学生, 阿拉佩恩• has dreamt of improving the quality of life for others through medicine since she was in elementary school. She realized that she could actually build the equipment surgeons use 和 indirectly reach even more people. 多亏了 Margie 和 Bill Klesse Endowed Scholarship in Chemical Engineering 她已经取得了巨大的进步.



Graduate student 和 Roadrunners football quarterback, 弗兰克•哈里斯, has been playing football since the age of five. 作为一个小孩子, Harris had dreams of becoming a professional bull rider, 但对在线博彩来说是幸运的, he decided to focus his talents on sports, dedicating the majority of his school years to becoming an excellent football player. His achievements 和 drive led him to receive a 德克萨斯大学体育奖学金 , confirming his choice to attend the university.



阿比盖尔罗兹 was not your typical undergraduate college student. 她是四个孩子的母亲和两个孩子的祖母, she enrolled in 在线博彩 to follow her ambitions of becoming an elementary school teacher after nearly 25 years of working in the field of finance. In 2019, she completed her bachelor's degree 和 is now pursuing her graduate degree in special education. 她被授予 Samjatha Govindaraju Endowed Graduate Scholarship .


Dr. 珍妮谢长廷

谢淑玲教授,博士.D. Semmes Foundation Distinguished Chair in Cell Biology , 神经科学主席, Developmental 和 Regenerative Biology department, 和 director of the 在线博彩 Brain Health Consortium, has dedicated her life's work to underst和ing, 在细胞水平上, the genetic 和 epigenetic causes of neurodegenerative diseases so that we may develop targeted therapeutics for treating 和 curing these conditions.



环境科学专业大三学生, 玛德琳莫拉莱斯, is already affecting positive change in the communities of San Antonio 和 across the world. With an enthusiasm for advocacy work 和 scholastic dedication, she became a 在线博彩 Top Scholar. She was also among the first class of students to be awarded the United Nations affiliated 年奖学金 , a leadership development program that has allowed her to take her social impact ideas to the next level.



空气动力学教授, 克里斯·库姆斯博士.D. always wanted to pursue a career involving rockets 和 space exploration. 现在的持有者 Dee Howard Memorial Endowed Faculty Fellowship in Mechanical Engineering, Combs is living his childhood dream. He is currently leading the Combs research group in his own Hypersonics Lab in the Klesse College of Engineering 和 Integrated Design.



六岁的时候, 措施阿里 '18 和 her family packed their bags 和 moved from Pakistan to Queens, New York in pursuit of the American dream. Her father supported their family as a cab driver. While Ali was in high school, they moved to San Antonio. With her family's closest relatives living halfway across the world, Ali decided to stay close to home for college 和 chose 在线博彩. She is now pursuing her MBA with support from an 校友会奖学金 .



在线博彩欢迎 朗达·贝卢博士.D. 随着 Lutcher Brown Endowed Distinguished Professor in the Department of Public Health 和 first associate dean for community engagement 和 partnerships in the College for Health, 社区与政策. As a professional committed to equity 和 inclusion, BeLue was thrilled to join 在线博彩's newest college to develop relationships within the San Antonio community, 这所大学的归属.



路跑者橄榄球运动员, 拉施德智慧, has loved football since he began playing at the age of six. 作为一名高中生, he was offered 13 college scholarships for his athletic excellence from several of the nation's top schools, 包括哥伦比亚大学, 耶鲁大学, 康奈尔大学, 波士顿学院, 和杜兰大学. Ultimately, he proudly accepted a full-ride 德克萨斯大学体育奖学金 provided by the Roadrunner Athletics Fund.




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